Take a look
- Note: opening times may be different during public holidays
- Tijdelijk gesloten
- Payment options: VVV Cadeaubon
- Accepts VVV gift voucher: Yes
- Shop type: Souvenirs, Services
- Distance to your location:
Here you will find Botenstation Terherne
Botenstation TerherneKoailan 2
8493 LA TERHERNE Plan your route
from your location
View all locations-
Ijlst - Marina Nijesyl | Waterfront charging stations
Ijlst - Marina Nijesyl | Waterfront charging stations
In the neighbourhood
View all routes-
Rondje Sneekermeer met pontjes | Fietsroute
Rondje Sneekermeer met pontjes | Fietsroute(34.2 km)Terherne -
Terherne - Terkaple - Akmarijp - Goingarijp | Sailing route
Terherne - Terkaple - Akmarijp - Goingarijp | Sailing route(16.1 km)Terherne -
Fietsroute Akkrum Terherne Poppenwier Irnsum
Fietsroute Akkrum Terherne Poppenwier Irnsum(38.0 km)Akkrum
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