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Poppodium Het Bolwerk


From ripping guitars to pounding beats and disco-boomers to experimental newcomers, we take every music lover into account and offer visitors a unique evening out for visitors from all over Friesland and the rest of the country.

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From ripping guitars to pounding beats and disco-boomers to experimental newcomers, we take every music lover into account and offer visitors a unique evening out for visitors from all over Friesland and the rest of the country, both young and old. For more than 40 years we have been guaranteeing a varied music program at a beautiful location.

International stars such as Toy Dolls, The Offspring, Guru, Hatebreed, Big Daddy Kane, Soulwax and Arch Enemy were on the Bolwerk stage. The Dutch top has also been extensively present with De Dijk, De Jeugd Van Tegenwoordig, DeWolff, Urban Dance Squad, Douwe Bob, Candy Dulfer and Blaudzun. Poppodium Bolwerk offers space for all genres, local talents and innovative projects. The artists who have visited our stage are always very enthusiastic about the hospitality, our relaxed way of working and the quality of the sound that is put down by our enthusiastic technicians.

We offer space for all genres, local and regional talents and innovative projects. The weekends are filled with concerts, parties and dance nights. We are a base for personal and authentic experiences, where new initiatives come to growth. You are most welcome.

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Here you will find Poppodium Het Bolwerk

Kerkgracht 8
8601 EC Sneek
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