Locks and the Sylhús
Hindeloopen is full of national monuments, such as the locks and the adjoining Sylhús. The locks were built back in the 17th century, and are the connection for recreational boats between the city centre and the harbour and the IJsselmeer lake.
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Gedicht: Kwaststrepen op linnendook | Anske Smit
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Gedicht: Kwaststrepen op linnendook | Anske Smit
Skreppe, klauwe, treeride
Streekride, út it eend sotte.
De klankkleur fan
In earste slach fan in lik bôrn
Efter in stultjen of slide.
Om de echte streek
Te pakjen te kriien.
Jûnge stylisten
Beworkje it iis
As kwaststreepen
Op in linnendook.
Priis of preemje
Blieuwt tûzjoers de fraich.
Warbere wintermannen
Mei weargles en
Skoewboarden yn tou.
Baske glodde baentjes
Op it Yselmor,
Yn de haivenkom,
De Sylroede of de Yndyk.
So no en den.
Ride, beljeie op
Befôrzen iikonisje
Raffeliche ynhammen.
Stikjes iis útseeke
Tróch maanse earstelingen.
Yn in feaniche
Earste en twadde plasse
Fan de Stoenckerne,
Wur yn it förjier bremstiche,
Leepen, skreesen en teitjes
Tredje yn it blaue gers. -
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Kunstwerk Hindeloopen | Baukje Venema
Een foto van Baukje Venema. Deze foto laat de ijsbaan in Hindeloopen zien en is uit een reeks van kunstwerken die bij de ijsbanen van de Iisbaankeunstrûte horen.
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Kunstwerk Hindeloopen | Hendrik Elings
Kunstwerk Hindeloopen | Hendrik Elings
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Hindeloopen is full of national monuments, such as the locks and the adjoining Sylhús. The locks were built back in the 17th century, and are the connection for recreational boats between the city centre and the harbour and the IJsselmeer lake.
The boats using the locks are a constant source of pleasure and amusement in the high season. Why not sit a while on the folklore bench under the Sylhús veranda and listen to the most fantastic stories told by the locals. Or admire the wooden, 19th century bell tower on the Sylhús. This 17th century building also served as a fishing auction for a while. That would explain the presence of the relief made by T. Gerlsma in 1905, showing the miraculous fishing catch of Peter and other disciples, above the folklore bench.
- Distance to your location:
Here you will find Locks and the Sylhús
't Oost 128713 JP Hindeloopen Plan your route
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