What to do in Stavoren
What to do in Stavoren? There are many places of interest in Stavoren. We are happy to give you tips about what you can see, do and experience in Stavoren. For example, book a cruise in Stavoren and let yourself be cruised through Southwest Friesland. Or rent an (electric) sloop and go sailing yourself. Of course, the lady of Stavoren cannot be missed: the icon and must-see! A look at the harbor of Stavoren should also not be missed. In the surroundings of Stavoren you can cycle beautifully and you can walk over the dike to Hindeloopen. Find all addresses and information about what to do in Stavoren in the overview.
1 to 24 of 32 results
Marina Stavoren
Marina Stavoren -
St. Nicholas Church in Stavoren
St. Nicholas Church in Stavoren -
Stadswandeling Stavoren
Stadswandeling Stavoren -
‘t Séleantsje near Molkwerum
‘t Séleantsje near Molkwerum -
Rode Klif (Red Cliff) at Lake IJsselmeer
Rode Klif (Red Cliff) at Lake IJsselmeer -
Marina Warns
Marina Warns -
Fietsverhuur SWF
Fietsverhuur SWF -
Lana Wolatelier
Lana Wolatelier -
It Suderstrand near Stavoren
It Suderstrand near Stavoren -
The Blokhuis
The Blokhuis -
The Dusk till Dawn Fishing Experience
The Dusk till Dawn Fishing Experience -
Sailingvessel Nil Desperandum
Sailingvessel Nil Desperandum -
The harbour of Stavoren
The harbour of Stavoren -
Atelier Basalt
Atelier Basalt -
Snuffelsjop Reefstar
Snuffelsjop Reefstar -
Johannes de Doper Church
Johannes de Doper Church -
FrieWheelers Stavoren
FrieWheelers Stavoren -
The Lady of Stavoren
The Lady of Stavoren -
Laaksum -
Fietsverhuur Stavoren
Fietsverhuur Stavoren -
Súdermarpolder -
Molkwerum (Molkwar)
Molkwerum (Molkwar) -
Museum 'Het Bakkerswinkeltje'
Museum 'Het Bakkerswinkeltje'
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