Kuiertocht Oudega SWF
Around Oudega, farmers collaborate under the Skriezekrite Idzega. Through careful management of the meadows, migratory birds find their way back to Oudega and its surroundings every spring.
And in the autumn, it's bustling again with overwintering geese, including the Pink-footed goose. From the birdwatching hut near the railway, you have a beautiful view of the birds.
The bell tower of Idzega is also a beautiful place to pause. And in the village of Oudega SWF, there is a village shop and catering. You can park easily at the village hall It Joo.
Please note: because you walk through the farmland of farmers, dogs are unfortunately not allowed on the part of the route between Idzega and the Rigedyk.
A "kuiertocht" is a shor…
Around Oudega, farmers collaborate under the Skriezekrite Idzega. Through careful management of the meadows, migratory birds find their way back to Oudega and its surroundings every spring.
And in the autumn, it's bustling again with overwintering geese, including the Pink-footed goose. From the birdwatching hut near the railway, you have a beautiful view of the birds.
The bell tower of Idzega is also a beautiful place to pause. And in the village of Oudega SWF, there is a village shop and catering. You can park easily at the village hall It Joo.
Please note: because you walk through the farmland of farmers, dogs are unfortunately not allowed on the part of the route between Idzega and the Rigedyk.
A "kuiertocht" is a short walking route. So, it probably won't surprise you that in Frisian, "wandelen" translates to "kuierje". You can easily combine a leisurely stroll with an activity in the area, or choose to embark on another leisurely stroll.
Sights on this route
Starting point:
Waypoint walk 30
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Waypoint walk 30
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Ankertsjerke Oudega SWF
Centraal in het van oorsprong middeleeuwse waterdorp Oudega vind je de Ankertsjerke. Gelegen op een klein omheind kerkhof pal aan de oost-westas waarlangs het dorp ontstond. Een weelderige klimop hult de zuidgevel in een dikke groene jas.
![De Ankertsjerke vanuit de lucht](https://assets.plaece.nl/thumb/ve7BXTWpuk8HBFg_of3DSM4FRzXVGKfdGUr7wuueHGo/resizing_type:fit/width:425/height:0/gravity:sm/enlarge:0/aHR0cHM6Ly9hc3NldHMucGxhZWNlLm5sL29kcC1mcmllc2xhbmQvaW1hZ2UvZGppLTA3ODhfMTc3NDY5MDQ0NS5qcGc.jpg)
Klokkenstoel Idzega
Het dorp Idzega heeft een eigen klokkenstoel van azobéhout met een zadeldak. Het is gebouwd ter vervanging van de afgebroken kerk.
Informatiepunt Oudega (Bearshoeke)
In de receptie van camping de Bearshoeke vind je een informatiepunt met alle toeristische informatie van Oudega en omgeving.
Informatiepunt Oudega (Bearshoeke)
Informatiepunt Oudega (Bearshoeke)![](https://assets.plaece.nl/thumb/b_6joz3ag87uUsqNnT-CA4DZqdDKQ2xVcVaQzd1JgjA/resizing_type:fit/width:425/height:0/gravity:sm/enlarge:0/aHR0cHM6Ly9hc3NldHMucGxhZWNlLm5sL29kcC1mcmllc2xhbmQvaW1hZ2UvdGctc3RyYWF0YmVlbGQtMjAxOTA4MTAtMTk0OTI5LW91ZGVnYS1zdWR3ZXN0ZnJ5c2xhbi1nZWVubW9kZWx2ZXJrbGFyaW5nLWtsZWluXzM0NTM4MTU1NDUuanBlZw.jpeg)
Rustpunt in receptie camping Bearshoeke
Tsjerkeweg 2a
8614 JD Oudega SWF
End point:
Waypoint walk 30
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