Waterways and Waterworks Motorhome Tour
This motorhome tour takes you on a journey that tells the story of the Currents in Waterland in the Waterland van Friesland area. Explore southwest Friesland through 13 iconic waterways and waterworks and learn more about how the Frisians work to channel and hold back the water. The route is divided into four easily manageable distances. This gives you plenty of time to stop and experience the iconic landmarks along the way. During the tour you will discover two UNESCO World Heritage Sites, a National Landscape conservation area, the three cliffs in the Netherlands and the Afsluitdijk. You will also get to enjoy the peace and quiet of open countryside.
Sights on this route
Woudagemaal: largest steam pumping station in the world
Visit the largest steam pumping station in the world!

Woudagemaal: largest steam pumping station in the world
Woudagemaal: largest steam pumping station in the world
Gemaalweg 1
8531 PS Lemmer
Tjeukemeer (Tsjûkemar)
The Tjeukemeer is the largest inland lake in Friesland.

Houtzaagmolen de Rat
Visit wind powered sawmill ‘De Rat’ and step back in time three hundred years!

Skûtsje rental Haghe
Go sailing on an old Frisian vessel (skûtsjesilen) in Heeg A day out on the Aleida Hendrika, which was built in 1905. A wonderful experience for young and old! We will show you how fascinating Friesland is from the water.

Skûtsje rental Haghe
Skûtsje rental Haghe
(eind van de Passantenhaven Heegerwal)
Pharshoeke 101
8621CW Heeg
Fisching company Andries van Netten
Andries van Netten is a local fisherman and supplier of fresh products for Gaastmeer and the surrounding area. All products are fresh and caught in the lakes around Gaastmeer.

Fisching company Andries van Netten
Fisching company Andries van Netten
Jan Jelles Hofstrjitte 4
8611 JT Gaastmeer
Ie Akwadukt
South of Woudsend, since 2007, you can find the Ie Aqueduct: an aqueduct at the intersection of the river De Ie and the N928.

Drowned land of Elahuizen
In the Fluessen, you will find a buoy marking where the village of Elahuizen used to be.

Oudemirdumer Klif (cliff at Oudemirdum)
The cliff at Oudemirdum is 6 metres high. It was formed during the last ice age but one when the land was pushed up by enormous glaciers that advanced from Scandinavia and deposited large boulders in Gaasterland.

Oudemirdumer Klif (cliff at Oudemirdum)
Oudemirdumer Klif (cliff at Oudemirdum)
De Dollen
8567 HP Oudemirdum
Bocht fan Molkwar
Vanaf de vogelkijkhut zie je de invloed van de wind. Westenwind zorgt voor een hoge waterstand waardoor de zandplaten onderlopen, de eilanden kleiner worden en minder plaats bieden aan vogels. De aalscholvers, meeuwen en visdiefjes verdringen elkaar...

Jaagpad langs de Workumertrekvaart
Een prachtig jaagpad om langs te fietsen of wandelen is het jaagpad bij Tjerkwerd langs de Workumertrekvaart. Je fietst of wandelt direct langs het water.

Terpdorp Allingawier
Allingawier is een pittoresk terpdorpje, gelegen tussen de IJsselmeerkust en Hanzestad Bolsward.Â

Pingjumer Gulden Halsband inner dike
The Pingjumer Gulden Halsband is an inner dike that once protected the village of Pingjum from the waters of the Marne, an inlet of the Wadden Sea.

Pingjumer Gulden Halsband inner dike
Pingjumer Gulden Halsband inner dike
8748 BN Witmarsum
Afsluitdijk Wadden Centre
On the Afsluitdijk causeway, at Kornwerderzand, you will find a remarkable building resembling a foaming wave, breaking on the causeway wall: this is the Afsluitdijk Wadden Centre.

Woudagemaal: largest steam pumping station in the world
Visit the largest steam pumping station in the world!

Woudagemaal: largest steam pumping station in the world
Woudagemaal: largest steam pumping station in the world
Gemaalweg 1
8531 PS Lemmer
Day 1:
From the Ir.D.F. Woudagemaal, R onto the N359. Follow the road for about 3 km, under the A6 motorway. STR twds Oosterzee (Westeind). Through the village of Oosterzee-Buren. At the T-junction, R twds the village of Echtenerbrug. You can park in the village and enjoy the view of Tjeukemeer lake. In Echtenerbrug, L twds the village of Rottum. In Rottum, R near the left turn to Oudehaske, immediately after 60km speed limit and keep left on Oude Postweg road. At the end (boulder), L onto Sydtakke road. At the junction, STR on Vogelzangweg road.
At the end, R onto Badweg road. At the end, L. In Haskerhorne, near the church, L onto Haulsterweg road. After the long S-bend, R. Follow the signs to Scharsterbrug. Approx. 2 km after the village, R twds Langweer. In Langweer, STR. Take the ferry across the Langwarder Feart (€2.50 per vehicle. No ferry between 10:00 and 12:00 on Thursdays). Stop for the night. (There is a motorhome parking facility at Camperplaats Pontdyk in the village of Boornzwaag.)
Day 2:
At the end, R twds Sneek Aldewei. In Sneek, STR, follow the signs to the centre (Centrum). Immediately after the bridge, L onto Bothniakade road. At the end R, 1st R onto Kleinzand road (Frisian Maritime Museum is at 16 Kleinzand road). At the end, L. At the roundabout, STR (keep the canal to your right). Follow Prins Hendrikkade road. At the traffic lights, L twds IJlst. At the Arriva train station in IJlst, L. After the bridge, L twds Hommerts. After the high bridge, L to visit the De Rat sawmill and the Houtstad-IJlst Museum and Workshop.
Return to IJlst train station, L. After Nijesyl, L. On the outskirts of Heeg, R. At the next roundabout, L into the village. Follow the signs to the centre (Centrum). L onto Nyedijk road. At the end, L (there is a replica of the Korneliske Ykes II, an old eel barge, moored on the other side). STR over the bridge and out of Heeg. At the end, R. At the next roundabout, STR twds Hommerts. In Hommerts, R and follow the signs to Balk. Woudsend aqueduct. After the Woudsend aqueduct, R twds the De Rakken marina and campsite where you can spend the night. The next morning, return to the roundabout and continue the route to Balk.
Day 3:
At Balk, follow the signs for Bolsward over the first two roundabouts. Op the N359, L twds Ruigahuizen. At the end, R onto Tsjerkhofleane road. At the end, L onto Nij Amerika road. At the end, R onto Beuckenswijkstraat road. After Nijemirdum, 1st L onto Sanfeartsdyk road (which leads into Liemerige Wei road). L onto De Dollen road. Oudemirdumer Klif (Cliff at Oudemirdum) At the end, L onto Marderhoek road. In the village of Oudemirdum, L onto Jan Schotanuswei road. 1st L onto Mirns Huningspaed road (which leads into Murnserdyk road). Mirnser Klif (Cliff at Mirns). Drive through Mirns. L twds Roode Klif (the Red Cliff).
Follow the sea dike. In Stavoren, cross the bridge and STR onto Schans road. Near the bridge on the right, L. At the end, R twds the station. At the station, R. In Molkwerum, continue past the church. At the Y-junction, L. At the end, R (Bocht fan Molkwar nature reserve) and follow the sea dike. Just outside Hindeloopen, you will see the Camping Hindeloopen campsite on your right. You can park here for the night.Â
Day 4:
STR through Hindeloopen. Park at the church to visit the little water level house at Hindeloopen. (Climb the stone steps onto the sea dike and walk 200 m to the left.) Follow the road out of town. N359 past Kleine Wiske. After 3 km, L onto Heidenskipsterdyk road. Just over 2 km further, R onto Skar road. After 1 km, park and visit the De Wolvetinte reserve (+/- 400 m walk). Return to Heidenskipsterdyk road. R and follow the road through It Heidenskip twds Workum. Cross the railway. At the end, R onto Eniggaburen road (which leads into Trekwei road). Continue along this road. In Parrega, R over the bridge. Then L twds Dedgum past the Ysgumerwei horse boarding facility.
Drive through Dedgum and Arkum. L twds Tjerkwerd (towpath). At the end, L over the bridge then R onto the N359. Under the A7 flyover. L twice twds Exmorra. In Exmorra, L. Drive through the mound village of Allingawier and follow the road twds Makkum. At the roundabout, R. In Witmarsum, L. At the end of the road in Pingjum, R then L. Follow the signs to Zurich. In Zurich, you can park at Caspar de Roblesdijk 1 and climb the steps onto the sea dike for a beautiful view of the Wadden Sea. Turn around and drive out of Zurich the way you drove in. After 1.5 km, R onto the A7. Turn off at the junction for Kornwerderzand. L onto the viaduct to the Afsluitdijk Wadden Centre.
R = turn right
L = turn left
STR = continue straight on
twds = towards
Tjerkwerd = built-up area
Buren = street name
Afsluitdijk Wadden Centre
On the Afsluitdijk causeway, at Kornwerderzand, you will find a remarkable building resembling a foaming wave, breaking on the causeway wall: this is the Afsluitdijk Wadden Centre.