Kuiertocht Tjerkwerd
Before the rise of automobiles, almost all goods and passenger transportation occurred by water using a tow barge. The towpath between Workum and Bolsward was an important connection for this purpose. From Tjerkwerd, you'll walk along the old towpath along the canal.
Along the canal are the so-called "towpaths." The tow barges were pulled, on the adjacent path, by people or horses known as "jagertjes." This is where the name towpath comes from. From Tjerkwerd, you'll walk along the towpath. Returning to the starting point, you'll walk via the partly unpaved Krabbendijk.
From junction 50, you'll walk along the Hemdijk. This dike marks the boundary between the clay area (north side) and the peat area (south side). You'll walk from Tjerkwerd to IJlst. Here, you can clearly see the differences in elevation between the two landscapes.
Before the rise of automobiles, almost all goods and passenger transportation occurred by water using a tow barge. The towpath between Workum and Bolsward was an important connection for this purpose. From Tjerkwerd, you'll walk along the old towpath along the canal.
Along the canal are the so-called "towpaths." The tow barges were pulled, on the adjacent path, by people or horses known as "jagertjes." This is where the name towpath comes from. From Tjerkwerd, you'll walk along the towpath. Returning to the starting point, you'll walk via the partly unpaved Krabbendijk.
From junction 50, you'll walk along the Hemdijk. This dike marks the boundary between the clay area (north side) and the peat area (south side). You'll walk from Tjerkwerd to IJlst. Here, you can clearly see the differences in elevation between the two landscapes.
Please note: because you'll be walking through farmers' fields, unfortunately, dogs are not allowed on the part of the route between Dedgum (71) and the Hemdijk (50).
A "kuiertocht" is a short walking route. So, it probably won't surprise you that in Frisian, "wandelen" translates to "kuierje". You can easily combine a leisurely stroll with an activity in the area, or choose to embark on another leisurely stroll. An overview of all leisurely strolls can be found here.
Sights on this route
Starting point:
Waypoint walk 52
Navigate to starting point
Waypoint walk 52
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Jaagpad langs de Workumertrekvaart
Een prachtig jaagpad om langs te fietsen of wandelen is het jaagpad bij Tjerkwerd langs de Workumertrekvaart. Je fietst of wandelt direct langs het water.
Sint Joriskerk Dedgum
De oude kerk in het kleine terpdorp Dedgum werd in 1889 gesloopt en nog datzelfde jaar zag de nieuwe het licht, een eenvoudige kerk met een ranke toren. Voor een uitzicht dat reikt tot aan het IJsselmeer mag je de toren beklimmen.
![Sint Joriskerk Dedgum vanuit de lucht](https://assets.plaece.nl/thumb/cUWUk6Okp_mFYdE5RiozgpKnvwVsqhCT_5lRwEm6Tlk/resizing_type:fit/width:425/height:0/gravity:sm/enlarge:0/aHR0cHM6Ly9hc3NldHMucGxhZWNlLm5sL29kcC1mcmllc2xhbmQvaW1hZ2UvZGppLTA3NTUtdm9vcjFfMTY2NjMxMDk2LmpwZw.jpg)
Een hemdijk is een binnendijk die in de twaalfde eeuw zijn aangelegd om belangrijke landbouwgebieden in het Lage Midden van Friesland te beschermen tegen opstuwend water.
In het gebied tussen Bolsward en Raerd ontstonden vanaf de twaalfde eeuw aan de zuidkant van de dichtgeslibde Middelzee, de Friese Hempolders.
![Hemdijken bij IJlst](https://assets.plaece.nl/thumb/4Ua2aq_CYOcDh9CSaodzktGNXqPgVboIeFnQWy9KdXk/resizing_type:fit/width:425/height:0/gravity:sm/enlarge:0/aHR0cHM6Ly9hc3NldHMucGxhZWNlLm5sL29kcC1mcmllc2xhbmQvaW1hZ2UvaGVtZGlqa2VuLWJpai1pamxzdF85OTM1NjM4MjYuanBn.jpg)
End point:
Waypoint walk 52
Navigate to endpoint
- 52
- 71
- 50
- 51
- 52