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Akkrum - Raerd | Koningspad XL Hiking Trail Network: Section 6

(9.8 km)

The first part of this route takes you from the village of Akkrum to the village of Jirnsum. You then walk through an old cultural landscape known as the Frisian grasslands or ‘Friese Greiden’, where there are isolated farms built on dwelling mounds or terps. The dwelling mounds or ‘terps’ protected the farmers from the high waters of the former Middelzee estuary, into which the Koningsdiep river once flowed. The route ends at Jongemastate Park near the village of Raerd.

The 14 sections of the Koningspad XL Hiking Trail Network take you past the highlights of the Koningsdiep stream valley. A journey through meadows, heaths and the open landscape of Friesland.

To find out more about this section of the network, take a look at the detailed description of the route with photos and videos.

Sights on this route


Starting point:

Waypoint walk 16
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Koningsdiep River

The Koningsdiep river winds its way between the villages of Akkrum and Bakkeveen in Southeast Friesland. The surrounding landscape is dotted with meadows with wooded banks and forests with beautiful walks.

Koningsdiep River

de Jirnsumer Moeting

Op 5 juni 2010 werd in het Friese Jirnsum (Irnsum) (tussen Grou en Sneek) een uniek pelgrimsmonument, ‘de Jirnsumer Moeting’, onthuld (dit is 10 jaar na de opening van het Jabikspaad).

de Jirnsumer Moeting

End point:

9012 DV Raerd
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Starting point:

Waypoint walk 16
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Wandelknooppunten: 16 - 19 - 13 - 91 - 76 - 28 - 14 - Richting 17 tot het Park Jongemastate.

End point:

9012 DV Raerd
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  • 16
  • 19
  • 13
  • 91
  • 76
  • 28
  • 14

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