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The fleeing and fighting occupier cornered | Liberation route

(25.6 km)

As the end of World War II drew near, the German forces in Friesland faced the inevitable defeat of their occupation. In the spring of 1945, as the Allies, mostly Canadian troops, advanced towards Friesland, the German forces began a hasty retreat from the province.

Faced with the relentless pressure from the advancing Allied forces and the determined resistance from local Dutch resistance groups, German troops abandoned their positions and fled from Friesland, but not before some heavy fighting in the area in and around Wons, Witmarsum and Hayum. In Hayum, German troops ambushed Canadian infantry of the Queens Own Rifles of Canada. As a result, six soldiers from the Queens Own Rifles of Canada were killed. After support by Sherman tanks of the Sherbrooke Fusiliers, Canadian troops managed to liberate Witmarsum, Hayum and Wons on April 16th.

The r…

As the end of World War II drew near, the German forces in Friesland faced the inevitable defeat of their occupation. In the spring of 1945, as the Allies, mostly Canadian troops, advanced towards Friesland, the German forces began a hasty retreat from the province.

Faced with the relentless pressure from the advancing Allied forces and the determined resistance from local Dutch resistance groups, German troops abandoned their positions and fled from Friesland, but not before some heavy fighting in the area in and around Wons, Witmarsum and Hayum. In Hayum, German troops ambushed Canadian infantry of the Queens Own Rifles of Canada. As a result, six soldiers from the Queens Own Rifles of Canada were killed. After support by Sherman tanks of the Sherbrooke Fusiliers, Canadian troops managed to liberate Witmarsum, Hayum and Wons on April 16th.

The retreating German forces left behind a trail of destruction and devastation as they hastily withdrew, destroying bridges, roads, and other infrastructure in an attempt to hinder the Allies’ progress. Their retreat of the occupying forces marked the imminent end of the occupation and the approaching liberation of Friesland.

Liberation Route Europe is a transnational memorial. A route that connects memorial sites and stories from all over Europe. For more information, visit

Sights on this route

Starting point:

Afsluitdijk Wadden Center
Afsluitdijk 1c
8752 TP Kornwerderzand
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Dronken van de drank van Mussert

De ophanden zijnde bevrijding brengt een enorme verplaatsing van nazi-sympathisanten op gang. Uit angst voor een ‘bijltjesdag’ zoeken collaborateurs een veilig heenkomen. Zo krijgt het dorpje Zurich bezoek van NSB-leider Anton Mussert.

Dronken van de drank van Mussert

Pingjum in puin

Afgezien van een aantal spannende eerste oorlogsdagen in mei 1940 komt Pingjum rustig de bezetting door. In de aprildagen van 1945 verandert die situatie dramatisch.

Pingjum in puin

Wapendroppings in Friesland - Witmarsum

'De worm heeft rode haren', 'Doe de groeten aan Jozef'. Met dit soort slagzinnen werden wapendroppings aangekondigd. In Friesland vonden er 24 plaats in de laatste maanden van de oorlog.

Wapendroppings in Friesland - Witmarsum

Oorlogsmonument Wons

Het laatste serieuze gevecht van de Queens Own Rifles of Canada vond plaats op 16 april 1945 bij Wons en Hayum. Nergens in Friesland verloren de Canadezen zoveel mensen tegelijk.

Oorlogsmonument Wons

De strijd om Wons, Witmarsum, Zurich, Kornwerd en Pingjum

Op 16 april was het grootste deel van Friesland bevrijd. Maar enkele belangrijke doelen van de Canadezen waren nog niet bereikt. Zij wilden zo snel mogelijk de Friese havens en de Kop van de Afsluitdijk op de Duitse bezetter veroveren.

De strijd om Wons, Witmarsum, Zurich, Kornwerd en Pingjum

De Kop van de Afsluitdijk

De Afsluitdijk was op 18 april nog één van de laatste open routes naar Noord-Holland. De bezetter was er veel aan gelegen om de Canadezen zo lang mogelijk tegen te houden.

De Kop van de Afsluitdijk

End point:

Afsluitdijk Wadden Center
Afsluitdijk 1c
8752 TP Kornwerderzand
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