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Round Fluezen-Luts | Sailing route

(33.7 km)

This beautiful sailing route in the south-west of Friesland takes you along two large lakes: the Sleattemer Mar and the Fleuzen. In addition, you sail a beautiful stretch through the forest, across the Luts. Finally, you sail right through the lively centres of Woudsend and Balk. 

Rent a boat in Friesland
If you don't have your own motorboat or sloop, don't worry, you can easily hire a boat in Friesland. 

Duration of the sailing route
With this route of almost 34 kilometres, you're in for a whole day. If you cruise at an average of 6 km/hour, it will take you about 6 hours. It is even more fun to get off the boat every now and then along the way, and you may be able to stay overnight somewhere!    

Bridges in Friesland 
On this rou…

This beautiful sailing route in the south-west of Friesland takes you along two large lakes: the Sleattemer Mar and the Fleuzen. In addition, you sail a beautiful stretch through the forest, across the Luts. Finally, you sail right through the lively centres of Woudsend and Balk. 

Rent a boat in Friesland
If you don't have your own motorboat or sloop, don't worry, you can easily hire a boat in Friesland. 

Duration of the sailing route
With this route of almost 34 kilometres, you're in for a whole day. If you cruise at an average of 6 km/hour, it will take you about 6 hours. It is even more fun to get off the boat every now and then along the way, and you may be able to stay overnight somewhere!    

Bridges in Friesland 
On this route, you will encounter a number of fixed bridges, but also some that can be opened, such as in Woudsend and Balk. Consult the provinsje Fryslân's Watersports App to check the opening times and heights of bridges.

Sustainable boating
Refuelling? Choose blue diesel. Or take an electric boat out. Something tasty for on the way? Fine, but make sure empty packaging does not blow overboard. And do you come across litter on the way? Then take it on board. Read more about sustainable water sports in Friesland.

Mooring your boat in Friesland   
You can moor your boat at various places along this route. There are free Marrekrite mooring places in the countryside en route, where you can even stay for a maximum of three nights. For example, moor on an uninhabited island in the Fluezen, or make a stop along the Luts so you can take a walk through the surrounding woodlands. You can also easily moor in the villages of Woudsend, Balk, Koudum and Heeg. If you want to spend the night in a village marina, you pay per metre for your mooring. Find all mooring places in the Watersport App. 

Fairway information
The fairway classification is E on this route. This means that this waterway is accessible for boats with a maximum creep height of 1.95 m and a draft of 1 m. You can therefore not sail this route with a very large boat.

Sights on this route

TOP Woudsend

Vanaf Toeristisch Overstappunt Woudsend kun je zo het waterrijke zuidwesten van Friesland intrekken! 

TOP Woudsend

Woudsend (Wâldsein)

Woudsend is a village nestled between Lake Heegermeer and Lake Slotermeer.

Visit Woudsend

Woudsend (Wâldsein)

Hellingbrêge Woudsend

If you sail or drive through the beautiful center of Woudsend, you will undoubtedly come across the high Hellingbrêge.

Hellingbrêge Woudsend Hellingbrege

Houtzaagmolen De Jager

Houtzaagmolen De Jager is the over 300-year-old sawmill in Woudsend that is still in operation. The mill is open to visitors every Saturday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.

Houtzaagmolen De Jager

Ie Akwadukt

South of Woudsend, since 2007, you can find the Ie Aqueduct: an aqueduct at the intersection of the river De Ie and the N928.

Ie Akwadukt

Strand bij Slotermeer: De Baaier

Strand bij Slotermeer: De Baaier

Slotermeer (Sleattemer Mar)

The Sleattemer Mar (also known as the Slotermeer) is situated between the three towns of Sloten, Balk, and Woudsend.

Slotermeer (Sleattemer Mar)

De Stipe Watersport en Vakantiecentrum

Groepsaccommodaties van 14 tot 134 personen aan de rand van het gezellige dorp Balk, temidden van de Gaasterlandse bossen en de Friese Meren. De ideale plek voor een familie en/of vriendenweekend, schoolkampen of werkweek. We verhuren polyvalken, kajak/kano’s en supboards. Kom langs of bel gerust!

Tussenstop: ontdek het watersportcentrum

De Stipe Watersport en Vakantiecentrum


Balk is a large village with many amenities in Southwest Friesland; it is the main town of Gaasterland and is situated along the Elfstedentocht route.

Visit Balk


Audiotour Balk Boterdorp

Balk Boterdorp is een audiotour waarin de historische locaties en gebouwen die te maken hebben (gehad) met de boterhandel, de hoofdrol spelen.

Audiotour Balk Boterdorp Balk de Luts


You will not find only neat rows of planted trees, stately avenues, and tightly maintained sandy paths here; this is a natural forest! The western part of the forest is even a forest reserve.


Country house Kippenburg

To stay at an old estate, in the long-standing well-known COUNTRY HOUSE KIPPENBURG. Something exclusive! Built around 1830, decorated in 19th century style. A unique group accommodation with a large garden and forest.

Country house Kippenburg


The Wyldemerk is a nature reserve with an idyllic lake. It is connected to the Slotermeer and the Fluessen.


Koudum - Kijkheuvel de Samenvoeging

Uitzicht over polder De Samenvoeging.

Koudum - Kijkheuvel de Samenvoeging


Koudum is centrally located in Southwest Friesland. This makes it an ideal base for your next vacation.

Visit Koudum


Kerk Elahuizen

De in Waterstaatstijl gebouwde kerk van Elahuizen werd in 1864 ingewijd.

Kerk Elahuizen Kerk Elahuizen

Drowned land of Elahuizen

In the Fluessen, you will find a buoy marking where the village of Elahuizen used to be.

Drowned land of Elahuizen

Fluezen (Fluessen)

De Fluessen, in het Fries Fluezen, is het op één na grootste meer van Friesland. De Fluessen grenst aan de Morra en het Heegermeer en aan verschillende kleine natuurgebieden zoals de Vogelhoek, in het Fries de Fûgelhoeke.

Fluezen (Fluessen)

Beach Langehoekspôlle

On the east side of the Langehoekspôlle in the Fluessen, also known as Knine-eilân, you will find a delightful swimming beach.

Beach Langehoekspôlle

Marboei MB63

A MarBoje is a plastic buoy with a large eye on top.

Marboei MB63 Heegermeer

Heeg (Heech)

Heeg is a delightful destination for water sports enthusiasts.

Visit Heeg

Heeg (Heech)

De Helling

De Helling, de werf aan de Syl, kent al een lange geschiedenis van scheepsbouwactiviteiten. In 1858 komt de werf in handen van de familie Visser. De schepen en palingaken werden toen hier gebouwd en onderhouden.

De Helling

Natuureiland De Gouden Boaiem

Natuureiland De Gouden Boaiem

Klokkenstoel Smallebrugge

Klokkenstoel Smallebrugge

TOP Woudsend

Vanaf Toeristisch Overstappunt Woudsend kun je zo het waterrijke zuidwesten van Friesland intrekken! 

TOP Woudsend

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