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Kuiertocht Hartwerd - Oldeclooster Hiking trail

(5.7 km)

Once near Hartwerd stood one of the largest and most important monasteries in Friesland. Now, the names of the farms Monnikehuis and Bloemkamp, and the street name Oldeclooster still remind you of this time. In the past, the monks walked meditatively along this monastery path, step into their footsteps and hike this route full of cultural history through the landscape.

Curious about how it used to be? In the garden shed of the information center at Oldeclooster 8, you'll find a model of the monastery. Additionally, along the way, you'll encounter 4 information panels that provide an insight into monastery life.

A "kuiertocht" is a short walking route. So, it probably won't surprise you that in Frisian, "wandelen" translates to "kuierje". You can easily combine a leisurely stroll with an activity in the area, or choose to embark on another leisurely stroll.


Once near Hartwerd stood one of the largest and most important monasteries in Friesland. Now, the names of the farms Monnikehuis and Bloemkamp, and the street name Oldeclooster still remind you of this time. In the past, the monks walked meditatively along this monastery path, step into their footsteps and hike this route full of cultural history through the landscape.

Curious about how it used to be? In the garden shed of the information center at Oldeclooster 8, you'll find a model of the monastery. Additionally, along the way, you'll encounter 4 information panels that provide an insight into monastery life.

A "kuiertocht" is a short walking route. So, it probably won't surprise you that in Frisian, "wandelen" translates to "kuierje". You can easily combine a leisurely stroll with an activity in the area, or choose to embark on another leisurely stroll.

Note: From junction 67 to the information point, the route passes through a farmer's field where dogs are not allowed.

Sights on this route


Starting point:

Waypoint walk 71
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Klokkenstoel Hartwerd

In de middeleeuwen heeft op de plek van de klokkenstoel een Romano-gotische kerk in Hartwerd gestaan. Het was vrij opmerkelijk dat het kleine terpdorp Hartwerd een eigen parochiekerk had.

Klokkenstoel Hartwerd

Informatiepunt voormalig klooster Bloemkamp (Oldeclooster)

Informatiepunt in een tuinhuisje over het indrukwekkende middeleeuwse kloostercomplex Bloemkamp (1191-1580) vlakbij Bolsward.

Informatiepunt voormalig klooster Bloemkamp (Oldeclooster) Informatiepunt bewegwijzering

Belevingspunt voormalig klooster Bloemkamp (Oldeclooster)

Belevingspunt op de voormalige locatie van het indrukwekkende middeleeuwse kloostercomplex Bloemkamp (1191-1580) vlakbij Bolsward.

Belevingspunt voormalig klooster Bloemkamp (Oldeclooster) Belevingspunt Bloemkamp Hartwert

End point:

Waypoint walk 71
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  • 71
  • 72
  • 67
  • 81
  • 71

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