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Tsjerke Church in Terherne


This single-nave church was built in 1874. It has a half-embedded tower that consists of three sections and a constricted spire. Today the former church serves as a venue for special events such as weddings and concerts.

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This single-nave church was built in 1874. It has a half-embedded tower that consists of three sections and a constricted spire. The building is no longer in use as a church. Today it serves as a venue for special events such as weddings and concerts. The former church is a unique, romantic wedding venue in an idyllic rural setting in the little village of Terherne. All-inclusive wedding packages include a reception in the garden, sailing, dinner on the jetty, or a party in the lounge or in the water, and accommodation in the honeymoon suite at Hotel 't Schippershuis in Teherne.

Inscribed on the stone slab above the entrance to the former church are the following words:

‘The first stone of this church was laid by the Reverend M. van Heiningen Nannainga,
pastor of the Reformed Church in Terhorne,
on behalf of Dowager Lycklama à Nijeholt of Oldeboorn, on 2 June 1874.
Church Wardens H.O. v.d. Hoop, K.A. Veldman, A.J. de Vries.’

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Here you will find Tsjerke Church in Terherne

Buorren 46
8493 LG Terherne
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