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Raerd (Rauwerd)


Discover Raerd, a Frisian terp village that radiates tranquility, space, and a sense of community.

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Discover Raerd, a Frisian terp village that radiates tranquility, space, and a sense of community.

Situated between Leeuwarden and Sneek, Raerd is home to 600 residents. The village marks the end of the 42-kilometer-long Slachtedyk, which begins at the Wadden Sea coast in the town of Oosterbierum. In the center, on a terp (artificial dwelling mound), stands the beautiful Laurentius Church.

Near the village, there is a park called Park Jongemastate (Raerder Bosk), where you can enjoy nature. It is a unique park with old trees, special stinzenflora (early spring flowers), and an ancient medieval gateway. In the past, there was an old estate here, privately owned. The park is now freely accessible as a walking park for all villagers and nearby residents, maintained by It Fryske Gea (Frisian Nature Conservation).

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Here you will find Raerd (Rauwerd)

9012 Raerd
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