Accommodation, food, drinks, sightseeing and activities in Oudemirdum
In the area surrounding Oudemirdum, there are many beautiful places to explore during your visit. Oudemirdum is surrounded by nature reserves and ancient forests. Visit the Rijsterbos or the Wyldemerk and enjoy a day in nature. Or visit the nearby villages of Rijs, Bakhuizen and Mirns. Hire a bike, e-chopper or put on your walking shoes and take one of the many walking and/or cycling routes. At Bezoekerscentrum Mar en Klif, you will find many routes and several routes start here. In the cosy village centre, you can enjoy a drink, lunch or dinner after a day of walking or cycling. On the way, don't forget to have an ice cream at one of the ice cream farms and get your fresh rolls at the bakery early in the morning! Find all useful addresses in the Oudemirdum area below.
1 to 24 of 115 results
Camping de Wigwam
Camping de Wigwam -
Memorial sign at Mirns cemetery for the 1943 plane crash with B-24 Liberator
Memorial sign at Mirns cemetery for the 1943 plane crash with B-24 Liberator -
Gaasterland Forests
Gaasterland Forests -
Sybrandy’s Speelpark Amusement and Nature Park
Sybrandy’s Speelpark Amusement and Nature Park -
Hotel Restaurant Jans - Tuinkamer (chalet in hoteltuin)
Hotel Restaurant Jans - Tuinkamer (chalet in hoteltuin) -
Huize Goede Reede
Huize Goede Reede -
Strand en kitesurf strand het Mirnser Klif
Strand en kitesurf strand het Mirnser Klif -
Camping De Bosrand Oudemirdum
Camping De Bosrand Oudemirdum -
Oudemirdumer Klif (cliff at Oudemirdum)
Oudemirdumer Klif (cliff at Oudemirdum) -
Gaasterlands Streek Museum Eppinga Sate
Gaasterlands Streek Museum Eppinga Sate -
Lycklamabos - Nijemirdum
Lycklamabos - Nijemirdum -
Oudemirdumerklif - Uitkijkheuvel
Oudemirdumerklif - Uitkijkheuvel -
Air Surveillance Tower
Air Surveillance Tower -
Technisch bedrijf G. Bokma
Technisch bedrijf G. Bokma -
E-bike oplaadpunt - Bed & Breakfast Rijsterbosch
E-bike oplaadpunt - Bed & Breakfast Rijsterbosch -
De Witakker
De Witakker -
Boshuis Bambi
Boshuis Bambi -
Manege Gaasterland
Manege Gaasterland -
Camping de Waps
Camping de Waps -
E-bike oplaadpunt – Hotel Restaurant Boschlust
E-bike oplaadpunt – Hotel Restaurant Boschlust -
Lopifit Gaasterland
Lopifit Gaasterland -
Hotel Restaurant Jans
Hotel Restaurant Jans -
The crash of the Wellington Mk 1C
The crash of the Wellington Mk 1C -
Restaurant Brasserie De Brink
Restaurant Brasserie De Brink
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